Gadolinium in MRI Dye Leads to Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)
Attention dialysis patients – our experienced New Jersey attorneys want you to know that the MRI dye used during the treatment of your kidney disease may cause serious health problems. Gadolinium – a metallic contrasting agent used in the MRI scanning process – can lead to a severe health condition known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF).
Here at our New Jersey law firm, our medical injury lawyers understand the frustrations of kidney patients that have been hurt by their treatment. Getting an MRI is supposed to give doctors the information they need to help you get better, not make things worse.
Symptoms of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)
So why is it that the MRI process could actually be more hurtful than helpful? To understand the dangers of gadolinium and gadolinium-based contrasting agents used in MRI dye, it’s important to know the side effects that they cause.
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a rare skin condition that can injure not only the skin itself but the joints, eyes, and internal organs as well. Common symptoms of NSF may include:
- Chronic Itching
- Intense Burning
- Skin Discoloration
- Stiffening of Skin
What Causes NSF and Is There a Cure?
The scariest thing about NSF is that its cause is not fully understood. Gadolinium is the common link, causing kidney patients (as well as liver patients and people with compromised renal function) to suffer from this painful skin syndrome due to the MRI scanning process. There is no definitive cure for NSF, and no genetic basis for the condition.
Our MRI Dye Injury Lawyers Will Fight For You
If you’ve contracted NSF from MRI dye, contact our experienced injury lawyers right away. The quicker you act, the sooner our experienced New Jersey accident attorneys and legal staff can prove your case.