Slip & Fall Claim FAQs
After a slip and fall accident, knowing your right – and what to do to preserve a potential claim – can be important to taking the right steps as you move forward. Revealing more about the recovery options for those hurt in these types of premises liability claims, the following answers some common questions about slip and fall claims and compensation.
Please note, however, that whenever you are ready to get answers related to your situation and potential claim, simply contact a Middlesex County personal injury lawyer at Mayo Law by calling (888) MAYO-LAW or emailing our firm. Initial consultations are free, and we do not charge any legal fees until or unless compensation is secured.
How Do I Know If I Have a Slip & Fall Claim?
The best way to find out if you have a claim is to contact Mayo Law for a free case evaluation. Outside of that, we can tell you that it’s more likely that you do have a claim if the slip and fall accident occurred:
- At a property you had the right to be present at (i.e., trespassing was not a factor)
- As a result of the circumstances present (rather than any act of negligence on your part)
- And resulted in physical harm to you.
Do I Need to Report a Slip & Fall Accident?
If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, immediately report the accident to the person or party responsible for that property. Often, the responsible party can include a:
- Building owner
- Building manager
- Landlord
- Store manager (or assistant manager).
How Much Is My Slip & Fall Accident Claim Worth?
The value of a slip and fall claim will depend on the specifics of the accident that gave rise to the claim, as well as the nature and severity of the damages and losses caused by the accident. While a lawyer at Mayo Law can give you precise answers regarding the potential value of your claim, generally, successful slip and fall cases can result in damages for (but not exclusive to):
- Medical bills and ongoing treatment costs
- Lost earnings
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium.
If the negligence that contributed to the accident was especially outrageous or egregious – or if the at-fault party has a history of negligence that harms people, punitive damages may also be awarded in these claims (to punish the at-fault party).
How Soon Do I Have to File a Slip & Fall Claim?
Claim filing deadlines vary from state to state. In New Jersey, the law provides two (2) years for the victims of slip and falls to file claims and seek compensation. This two-year window starts as of the date of the accident OR the date on which the injuries are discovered.
How Will My Slip & Fall Claim Be Resolved?
The nature of your claim will impact how your case is resolved. Generally, there are two options for resolving slip and fall claims:
- Accepting an out-of-court settlement – Most slip and fall claims are resolved in this way. When this option is feasible, it can allow for faster resolutions (as the case will not have to be put on hold or fit in with the court’s schedule).
- Taking a case to trial – When out-of-court settlements are not feasible, litigating the case in court can be necessary. Although litigation can prolong resolutions, it can give victims their day in court, as well as the option to fight for the full recovery they deserve.
Get Additional Answers & Effective Advocacy Now: Contact a Middlesex County Personal Injury Lawyer at Mayo Law, P.A
If you or someone you love has been harmed in a slip & fall (or in any accident caused by another’s negligence), contact a Middlesex County personal injury lawyer at Mayo Law, P.A. for more information about your options for financial recovery and justice.
For more than two decades, the attorneys at Mayo Law have been aggressively advocating the rights of those who have been harmed by negligence. Known for providing superior representation for various personal injury matters, our lawyers have the insight and experience you can count on to bring your slip & call case to a successful resolution.
To find out more about our services and how we can help you with your financial recovery, call us at (732) 613-3100 or toll free at (888) MAYO-LAW. You can also email our firm via the drop-down contact form at the top of this page.
From offices based in Middlesex County, our attorneys provide the highest quality legal services to people through New Jersey, as well as nationwide.